Rand African Art
About Me - Photo Version
Cozumel and Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
A few years back I went to Mexico with a bunch of friends. I arrived about 4 days ahead of them so I could go diving in Cozumel on my own
since we were all staying in Playa Del Carmen for the rest of the trip. The diving in Cozumel was amazing, I think I got at least 20 dives in
while I was down there during the whole trip. The most amazing thing was seeing all of the turtles and also a huge school of tarpon that were
all about 4 - 6 feet long and there were hundreds of them and we dove right down in the middle of them.

I also made it to the Mayan ruins in Tulum and also to the Dolphin Discovery in Isla Mujeres. I have always been fascinated with dolphins, I
wanted to be a dolphin trainer when I was little. This was my first experience to be in the water with them and be able to touch them. We dove
with dolphins in Belize but this was a different experience. I thought it was going to be a little "touristy" but I thoroughly enjoyed my
experience with the dolphins.
Visiting the Mayan ruins in Tulum Mexico (above and below)
The house we rented on the left and the beautiful white sand beaches of Playa Del Carmen on the right
Rand Smith - Cozomel Mexico
The hot rod in Cozumel Mexico
I did my first night dive in Belize and I did my first ship wreck dive in Cozumel.
They sank an old navy ship off of the coast and it was an interesting dive but I don't think I like doing shipwreck dives very much.
Isla Mujeres Mexico - Dolphin Discovery
In the lagoon with the dolphins

As a kid growing up in New Mexico, I had a fascination with the ocean and especially with dolphins. I wanted more than
anything to be a dolphin trainer when I grew up. This was my first experience to get in the water with dolphins and interact with
them and it was an amazing experience for me, they are amazing creatures! I highly recommend doing the "Dolphin Discovery"
if you are ever in an area that has one.
(In the 2 photos above) The dolphins come from underneath and
each of them puts their nose on the bottom of your foot and then
pushes you up and forward through the water, it was REALLY cool !
Rand Smith Dolphin Discovery Isla Mujeres Mexico
Painting done by a dolphin
In my collection, I have a painting that was done by a dolphin.
CLICK HERE to go to the page on my website for it.
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