Contact Me Page

I love to get email from people sharing their collections, sharing experiences and stories, feedback on my site, and questions
about items. I have developed friendships all over the world with other African Art lovers and I love the interaction.

However, I have gotten a little worse about returning email on a timely basis due to the amount of daily email I receive, but I will get back to
you if you do send me an email. These days I am usually at least 50 emails behind, so please be patient.

I do return all email, but sometimes it may take me a few days or longer depending on what kind of email it is,
so please keep that in
mind if you send me an email
.  If you send me an email with photos, please just send a few, and please keep the file sizes as small as
you can. If someone sends me an email with 10 photos and they are all large it often will take me a while to get around to opening the
email to get back to you.

To contact me, please go to my
Rand Tribal website and contact me through the contact page there.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are wanting to email me with a question about a piece in your collection, I would like to recommend that you join
the Great or Fake: Discovering African Art discussion group on African art and post your photos and ask  the question there, you will often
times get a
much faster response because the group consists of people from all around the world with a willingness to help others out with
questions. There is a lot that I don't know about various types of African art, but someone in the group probably can help if I can't, so it's a
good place to start.

To find out more about this online and interactive discussion group CLICK HERE.

If you are looking for advice or insight in collecting African art, I highly recommend that you read the fantastic article called
Authenticity of African Sculptures" by Henri Kamer. I think you will enjoy it, and it may bring many interesting things to your attention.
(link will open in a new window) I don't agree with everything in the article, but for the most part I think it's interesting and informative. I
recently put some of my thoughts about authenticity on my website, you can see the small article I wrote by
clicking here. It also gives you
a link to my statement about my site and my collecting philosophy at the bottom of the article.
Rand African Art
home page